Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau
Board of Directors Meeting
December 15, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce & CVB met Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Chair Kellogg called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Pam Yancey provided the opening prayer.

Review of Minutes – Dathan Atchison moved to approve the minutes of the 2021 board’s meeting November 17, 2021 and the minutes of the 2022 board’s meeting November 17, 2021. Joe Loth seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.

Financial Report – Treasurer Pam Yancey reviewed the current financials of the organization. She reported the 2022 budget will be presented for a vote at the January meeting. Dathan Atchison moved to approve the financial report as presented. Phil Cox seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.

Ex-Officio Reports – City of Branson Update – Administrator Stan Dobbins reported on tourism tax collected through November. We’re on track to possibly have the best year ever. This past Saturday was the highest car count since the city started the counting system. He shared 1,090 building permits have been issued this year. City is having discussions to improve workforce housing.

Ex-Officio Reports – City of Hollister Update – Administrator Rick Ziegenfuss reported Lamar Patton is the new Mayor of Hollister. Former Mayor David Tate served Hollister for 31 years. Hollister sales tax is up 25.79% for the year. Business 65 sidewalk project is coming to a close. Water park is moving along. Ziegenfuss touted the Hollister Alert System that will notify you of traffic issues, emergency and community messages, etc. if you sign up for it.

Membership Update – Janet Minor reviewed the report included in the meeting packet. She mentioned that two recently dropped members have rejoined the organization. Pam Yancey made a motion to approve the member drops as presented. Craig Wescott seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.

Missouri Legislative Session Preview – Will Marrs, Governmental Services – Monica introduced our lobbyist, Will Marrs. Marrs reported on bills we’re currently tracking and provided a brief outlook of the upcoming session.


Chairperson’s Report – Chair Kellogg acknowledged the staff team for a great event, White Tie Gala, last week.


Re-establish the Public Affairs Committee – Monica Evinger explained the responsibility of the committee. They will help us develop our 2022 State Legislative Priorities, which will then be presented to this board for consideration. Chair Kellogg asked for a motion to approve the committee and name Cassie Cunningham as chair. Pam Yancey made that motion. Cynthia Carson seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.

Ratify Appointments – There are currently two vacant general business seats on the board, one-year term and two-year term. Chair Kellogg presented Steve Critchfield fill the position with two years
remaining and Lynne Yaggy (Cox Health) fill the position with one year remaining in the term. Joe Loth moved to approve the appointment of Steve Critchfield and Lynne Yaggy as presented by Chairperson Kellogg. Craig Wescott seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.

President/CEO Report – President/CEO Outman reported the Branson Vacation Guide has gone to print. We anticipate it coming out in January. Great job by all staff who makes it happen.

We’ve launched a new project management system, Hive. Staff is going through training now. It will improve efficiency internally, and we can use externally with vendors.

Creative Agency – Proof has completed their work on location getting footage/shots. The new creative launches March 1.

Public Relations ad equivalency – November was the second largest in history with an ROI of 65:1.

Over $4,000 was raised for Branson School kids in need by community members and meeting attendees contributing to the boxes staff placed at our events. President Outman thanked staff for spearheading.

Outman stated, as we continue to look at improving and streamlining the organization, the senior team is going to meet with the Tulsa Regional Chamber in January. The goal is to learn more about their organization and how we may be able to integrate some new things into our organization.

Directors who go off the board at the end of the year were recognized. Mary Kellogg was recognized for her year as chairperson and her dedication to this organization and the community.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.

Present: Dathan Atchison, Scott Bailes, Cynthia Carson, Linda Cherry, Phil Cox, Cassie Cunningham, Sheila Dutton, Tom Healey, Tammy Johnson, Mary Kellogg, Joe Loth, Raj Patel, Mike Patrick, Tim Scott, Craig Wescott, Wendy White, Pam Yancey

Absent: Clay Cooper, Jon Davidson, Jamie Keys, Chuck O’Day

Ex-Officio members present: Stan Dobbins and Rick Ziegenfuss
2022 incoming members present: Rob Griffith and Stever Scherer