Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce & CVB
Board of Directors
May 25, 2022
The Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Directors met Wednesday, May 25, 2022. Treasurer Pam Yancey called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Steve Critchfield provided the opening prayer.
Review of Minutes – Tammy Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 27, 2022, meeting as presented. Jon Davidson seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.
Financial Report – Treasurer Pam Yancey reviewed the organization’s current financials. Sam Voisin moved to approve the financial report as presented. Steve Critchfield seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.
Ex-Officio Reports – City of Branson – Interim City Administrator Lisa Westfall reported on the repair of a section of Gretna Road. She also touched on the open positions of city administrator, city attorney and finance director.
Ex-Officio Reports – City of Hollister – Assistant City Administrator Denise Olmstead reported Hollister continues to exceed budget with sales tax up 17% year-to-date. She discussed the new Roger and Becky Braden Complex and additional walking trails.
Legislative Update – In addition to the report included in the meeting packet, Monica Evinger reported the MO Division of Tourism’s operating budget is $28 million for FY 2023, which includes state and federal funds. The Meet in Missouri Act was extended through 2029 with $1 million budgeted in FY 2023. I provided a brief.
Membership Update – Grant Sloan reviewed the update included in the packet. We currently have 783 members. Cassie Cunningham moved to approve the drop list as presented. Tammy Johnson seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.
Tiered Dues Presentation – Grant Sloan provided a brief background of how we got to this point. Our organization faces many of same challenges as chambers across the nation with signing up close to the same numbers of members we lose in a year. He introduced Kyle Sexton, Marketing Strategist, who is leading us through the process. He reviewed tiered dues, the benefits to members and the organization.
Chairperson’s Report – Pam Yancey reminded all the July board meeting is cancelled due to conflict with two big industry conferences causing conflict. The bylaws state we are to appoint the Nominating Committee at the July meeting. We are asking for approval to move that appointment to the June meeting. Steve Critchfield made that motion. Cassie Cunningham seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.
President/CEO Report – Jason Outman discussed recent events, including a successful Good Morning Branson and the launch of Morning Brew Crew. Brew Crew came from our master plan focus groups. It provides an opportunity for members to gather with no program/agenda. June 10 will be the first Evening Brew Crew.
We recently hosted Rendezvous South. About 80% of the100 meeting planners who attended the event had never been to Branson.
We also held our first PR FAM since the start of pandemic.
The Leadership class will attend the June Board of Directors. In order to accommodate them the meeting will be held in the multipurpose room on the first floor.
Jason announced we are excited Governor Parson has agreed to speak at the State of the State luncheon in July for the second year in a row.
New/Old Business – Tammy Johnson inquired about the lack of TCED presence in recent board meetings.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.
Present: Randy Brashers, Mike Combs, Clay Cooper, Bryan Cossiboom, Phil Cox, Steve Critchfield, Cassie Cunningham, Jon Davidson, Robert Griffith, Tom Healey, Tammy Johnson, Mary Kellogg, Raj Patel, Mike Patrick, Steve Scherer, Sam Voisin, Craig Wescott, Lynne Yaggy and Pam Yancey
Ex-Officio Members Present: Lisa Westfall, City of Branson and Denise Olmstead City of Hollister
Absent: Scott Bailes, Cynthia Carson, Joe Loth and Wendy White