Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau
Board of Directors Meeting
October 27, 2021
The Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce & CVB Board of Directors met Wednesday, October 27, 2021. Chairperson Mary Kellogg called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Kellogg paid tribute to long time community supporter and board member Deidre McCormick. Dathan Atchison provided the prayer following a moment of silence for Deidre.
Review of Minutes – Pam Yancey moved to approve the minutes of the September 22, 2021, meeting as presented. Linda Cherry seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.
Financial Report – Monthly Recap – Treasurer Pam Yancey reviewed the current financial statement. Phil Cox moved to approve the financial report as presented. Jon Davidson seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.
Audit Presentation – Brittany Hopp with Elliott, Robinson & Company, LLP presented the audit and complimented the accounting team for their thorough documentation. Cassie Cunningham moved to approve/accept the audit as presented. Joe Loth seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.
Ex-Officio Reports – City of Hollister – Administrator Ziegenfuss reported on upcoming events and sidewalk installation.
City of Branson – Administrator Dobbins stated sales tax numbers continue to be positive. The city has issued $65M worth of construction permits so far this year.
Chair Kellogg asked Jonas Arjes to talk about Holtz Builders, developers from Wisconsin Dells, who were just in the market. They will build-to-suit safe, efficient, and affordable housing for seasonal (and full-time) workers. Holtz recently announced they partnered with Dollywood to develop a $20 million residence hall-style building at the park that will accommodate over 750. Jonas will forward the presentation Holtz made to local stakeholders to board.
Public Relations Update – Communications Director Lynn Berry reported on recent highlights, including the “Small Town Christmas” TV show to air on UP TV. Branson is the first episode, and the crew will shoot all over town.
USA Today is returning for Christmas. The writer was last here Memorial Day.
Lynn shared her concern with recent news and social media regarding Ozark Mountain Christmas. It is affecting PR efforts. Editors and producers are calling her to see what’s going on, are we changing Christmas, etc. Fortunately, she has relationships with these people, or they may have just moved on to another location.
Membership Report – Janet Minor presented the September report. Pam Yancey moved to approve the drop list as presented. Cassie Cunningham seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.
2021 Christmas Campaign Concepts – CMO Rachel Wood shared the campaign concepts, which are launching November 1. She spoke about the targeted personas, escapist, careful and enthusiast.
President/CEO Report – Board Election Results – Jason Outman congratulated the following who were elected to serve a three-year term on board, beginning January 1, 2022:
Accommodations: Mike Combs – Radisson Hotel Branson, Steve Scherer – Hotel Grand Victorian
General Business: Robert Griffith – OTC Table Rock Campus, Pam Yancey – Arvest Bank
Live Shows/Theaters: Bryan Cossiboom – Dolly Parton’s Stampede, Mike Patrick – Grand Country Music Hall
Master Plan Focus Groups Update – Fourteen focus groups were conducted in-market by MMGY NextFactor last week. Jason thanked all who participated. Two focus groups remain, GO CAPS and Young Professionals/Entrepreneurs. They will be virtual. The survey to our clients, local businesses, etc. will go out in November. The resident survey will be conducted later.
Candidate Filing – Municipal Election filing period is December 7-28. Election is April 5, 2022. State and Federal candidates must file between February 22, 2022, and March 29, 2022. The 2022 primary election is August 2, with the general election being November 8, 2022.
SKYNAV – Greyson Miller, Multimedia Specialist, provided a brief demo of SKYNAV that just went live on The 360-degree tours are a great new offering for our visitors, potential visitors, and investors. No tax dollars were used for this purchase. The chamber paid for it.
Chairperson’s Report – Mary Kellogg shared the story of the Statue of Liberty, the challenges to complete and install it and how a successful drive with over 100,000 donors in the late 1800s came to the rescue.
Kellogg stressed Branson needs leaders who are forward thinking. She encourages all to be engaged.
The meeting adjourned at 10:09 a.m.
Present: Dathan Atchison, Jeff Bourk, Cynthia Carson, Linda Cherry, Phil Cox, Cassie Cunningham, Jon Davidson, Sheila Dutton, Tammy Johnson, Mary Kellogg, Jamie Keys, Joe Loth, Raj Patel, Craig Wescott, Wendy White, and Pam Yancey
Ex-Officio Present: Stan Dobbins and Rick Ziegenfuss
Absent: Scott Bailes, Clay Cooper, Tom Healey, Chuck O’Day, Mike Patrick and Tim Scott