Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau

Board of Directors

September 27, 2023


The Board of Directors of the Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce & CVB met Wednesday, September 27, 2023. Chairperson Cynthia Carson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Pam Yancey provided the opening prayer.


Review of Minutes – Pam Yancey moved to approve the minutes of the August 23, 2023 board meeting as presented. Steve Scherer seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.


Financial Report – Treasurer Phil Cox reviewed the current financials. He commented on how well staff has done acquiring grants through the Missouri Division of Tourism for the community. Wendy White moved to approve the financial report as presented. Brad Thomas seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.


Audit Presentation – Brittany Hopp and Regan Fish with Elliott, Robinson & Company presented. Hopp explained there were a lot of changes with accounting software in the organization last year. Therefore, it took them longer to complete the audit than usual. They issued an unqualified audit report, which is a clean report. Staff left the room for board members to speak freely with the auditors. Upon staff returning to the meeting, Craig Wescott moved to approve the audit report as presented. Wendy White the motion. All approved. Motion carried.


Ex-Officio Reports – City of Branson – City Administrator Cathy Stepp provided an update from the September 25 Board of Aldermen meeting, including the positive reaction to Rachel’s presentation. Stepp thanked Jonas and Grant for setting up the developer roundtable to be held early next month. The turf is moving along at the RecPlex, with a goal to have it ready the first week of April 2024.


City of Hollister – Rick Ziegenfuss discussed Menard’s and their property taxes. Sun Country is doing well with the flights between Branson and Minneapolis. Hollister’s annual paving program begins September 29. Downing Street is undergoing a lot of remodeling with private investments.


2nd Quarter Marketing Report – CMO Rachel Wood provided the report, including key performance indicators for the second quarter. She reminded all that this information and more can be found on the portal.


Membership Update – Janet Minor reviewed the report included in the meeting packet. We currently have 886 members. Wendy White moved to approve the report, including drops, as presented. Craig Wescott seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.


Chairperson’s Report – Election Judges – Chair Carson presented the following Chamber Ambassadors to serve as this year’s Election Judges; Roxanne Amundsen, Denny Maples, Ted Martin, Genesis Oltjenbrun, and Cliff Sain. Joe Loth moved to approve the Election Judges as presented. Mike Combs seconded. All approved. Motion carried.


Officers Committee – Chair Carson presented the following board members to serve as this year’s Officer’s Committee; Joe Loth, Pam Yancey, Cynthia Carson, Craig Wescott and Phil Cox. Brad Thoams moved to approve the Officer’s Committee as presented. Steve Critchfield seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.


Monica provided a brief overview of the election process.


Search Committee – The Committee is currently conducting interviews. They should have more information to share with the board in the next couple of weeks.


Voice of Business – Chair Carson reminded the board of this effort Pam Yancey spoke about at last month’s meeting. She encouraged all to help with the effort of making sure businesses are represented at Branson Board of Aldermen meetings. This is not limited to board members. Let us know of others we should contact. (Monica will send an email asking for participation.)


Tourism Community Enhancement District Contract – We have the contract. Chair Carson will be the final signature today on the four-year contract.


President Report – Jonas Arjes congratulated Steve Critchfield on being named as one of SBJ’s Trusted Advisors.


Thank you to Mike Patrick for serving as treasurer on the “Vote Yes for Tourism” campaign. Grant has put a plan together for executing the campaign. We are six weeks from election day.


The developer roundtable City Administrator Stepp mentioned is October 3. Currently, over 20 of invitees are planning to attend.


Mark your calendar, if you haven’t already, Black Tie is December 8 at the Branson Convention Center.


This meeting of the Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce & CVB Board of Directors adjourned at 9:55 a.m.


Present: Cynthia Carso, Mike Combs, Phil Cox, Steve Critchfield, Cassie Cunningham, Jon Davidson, Tracey Field, Robert Griffith, Katie Hodges, Joe Loth, Bay Mourer, Raj Patel, Mike Patrick, Steve Scherer, Scott Skoglund, Brad Thomas, Craig Wescott, Wendy White and Pam Yancey


Absent: Evan Bradley, Clay Cooper, Bryan Cossiboom and Tom Healey


Ex-Officio Members Present: Cathy Stepp, City of Branson and Rick Ziegenfuss, City of Hollister


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