In the spring of 2024, the political parties in Missouri will administer their own presidential preference selection process. The details for those processes are set by the political parties and this page will reflect the most current information from the parties.
Taney County Republican Party
Taney County Republicans will caucus on March 2, 2024 at the Forsyth School, 178 Panther Rd, Forsyth, Missouri 65653. Doors will open at 8am and the Caucus will be called to order at 10am. Any registered Taney County voter can participate and should pre-register for the caucus at 2024 Caucus : Missouri GOP. For more information, please contact Ron Houseman with the Taney County Republican Central Committee at or find them on Facebook at Taney County Republican Central Committee.
Taney County Democratic Party
Taney County Democrats' selection process includes mail-in voting and in-person voting. Mail-in ballots can be requested from the party between February 12, 2024 and March 12, 2024 and must be received by 10:00am on March 23, 2024. On March 23, 2024, from 8:00am to 12:00pm, the party will host in-person voting at the Taney County Courthouse, 132 David St, Forsyth, Missouri 65653. Any registered Taney County voter can participate. For more information, please contact Paul Armstrong or Ginger Witty with the Taney County Democratic Club at or find them on Facebook at Taney County Democrats Club.
Taney County Libertarian Party
Voters that are interested in participating in the Missouri Libertarian Party selection process can participate in their State Convention on February 24, 2024. More information is available on their website at
2024 Taney County-Republican Caucus
The Missouri General Assembly did not reinstate the Presidential Preference Primary (PPP). As a result, there will not be a special election or a primary election in Missouri for President! This means voters will not be able to go to the polls and simply cast a ballot. In lieu of going to the polls to cast a ballot for president, voters will need to attend a caucus.
In compliance with Missouri Republican Party (MRP) rules or bylaws, local caucuses will be held in all 114 Missouri counties and the City of St Louis. Each Republican County Committee and its chairman, and the St Louis City Committee and its chairman shall be responsible for conducting the delegate and alternate selection process within its jurisdiction.
Question: What is a caucus, when is it and who can attend?
A simple definition of a caucus is “a meeting at which local members of a political party register their preference among candidates running for office or select delegates to attend a convention.” It is the responsibility of each Missouri county or city committee and its chairman to call the local caucus. All local caucuses statewide shall be held on Saturday, March 2, 2024, at 10:00 AM. Taney County Republicans who register to participate in the local caucus shall be allowed to vote at the caucus. Residents must show a photo identification to participate and vote at the caucus.
Question: Where will the Taney County Caucus be conducted?
At the Forsyth School complex (178 Panther Street, Forsyth, Mo 65653) Signage will be provided to direct voters to the caucus.
Question: How will presidential preference candidates be chosen?
All required rules and procedures for running the local caucus will be fully explained the day of the caucus. However, some of the basic rules handed down by the Missouri Republican Party (MRP) are as follows:
*Participants of the caucus will gather by Presidential nominated blocks/groups. Each group shall elect a leader.
*Any Presidential candidate receiving 15% or less in any vote will be dropped.
*Delegates and Alternates will be awarded starting with the presidential candidates receiving the most votes. In the case of winner take all scenario a slate of delegates and alternates will be chosen from the group supporting said candidate.
*According to MRP rules local caucus areas with ten or more delegates shall elect delegates and alternates by slate. Taney County will have 11 delegates and will therefore elect by slate.
*Delegates and Alternates will be chosen by those present for the caucus to represent Taney County’s selection of a presidential candidate at the 7th District Republican Congressional Convention and at the Missouri Republican State Convention.
*There will be time limits for all speakers established by the MRP.
*All registered participants will have an opportunity-to voice their opinions within the pre-set established time limits.
*All proceedings will be transparent with all decisions made in open session.
In Accordance with Rule 16(e)(6) of the Republican National Committee, there shall be no proxies for the purpose of selecting delegates or alternates. Simply stated “All individuals must be present to participate.” The doors of the caucus will open at 8:00 AM and by order of the MRP the doors will close at 10:00 AM.
The Taney County Republican Central Committee urges all Republicans to attend the caucus and have their opinions heard.
Ronald Houseman-Chairman Sheila Wyatt-Vice Chairman
Rhonda Merriman-Secretary Jeff Justus-Treasurer
Ron Houseman email: